One story is that you and I live in an age of hype, where in order to get the resources we need to make something we need to inflate it full of unrealistic expectations. In this frame, if you don’t hype your work, then people won’t pay attention and someone else—who is hyping their work—will get the resources and gain a competitive advantage over you.
The other story is that you and I live in an age of hype, where someone who doesn’t puff themselves up is refreshing. In this frame, the bar for being trustworthy is so low that just by being intellectually honest and emotionally considerate, you will stand out. It’s not a shortcut, it’s a longcut.
When people expect something of you, you should be able to meet their expectations pretty comfortably. If you’re not in a place to do that, it’s time to reconsider why you’re setting the bar so high—and what a better alternative (one that doesn’t erode your team’s and customer’s confidence) can be.