Category: Promotion
Find spaces to talk about your ideas
Promoting your work actually makes an impact. Anne Trubek notes, after publishing 90 books, “I can trace a pretty, if not completely, clear line between an author’s marketing prowess and effort and sales.” There are a lot of people who would probably want to learn more—as soon as they are aware of it and can…
Notes on promotion, at the book fair
Printed Matter’s New York Art Book Fair is made up of 36,000 square feet of books and the people who print and publish them. If you like books, or art, it’s a great place to be. Events are great temporary spaces and occasions to bring a group of people together (known in marketing as activation).…
What can you point to?
In Studs Terkel’s Working, a steel mill worker named Mike Lefevre says, “Picasso can point to a painting. What can I point to? A writer can point to a book. Everybody should have something to point to.” Sometimes, the work isn’t as concrete as a building. If your contribution was suggesting a change in direction…
“Please make some noise!”
You’ll often hear a recording artist, or their hype person, say this at a show. When people make noise, it’s easier for the artist to believe that everyone there is interested in what they’re doing, and to bring 100% to the performance. This creates a self-fulfilling prophecy; the audience, in turn, is energized by the…
You can just do stuff, you know
Yesterday, Pharrell Williams released an album. He also turned 51. It’s on a WordPress website. It’s not available through streaming platforms. If you want, you can download all of the songs in .mp3 format with one click. It’s delightfully straightforward. He also didn’t promote it, not even on his own social media channels. Not that…
“I saw your latest project…”
“Can you do that for us, too?” If you’re struggling with sales, figure out which part of the process you’re stuck at.
Monthly hackathons, but for writing
A couple of years ago, I asked a group of experienced developers if engineering blogs had ever made them want to join a company. I received an interesting response from someone who worked at, “We see so much ROI that we run monthly content days for the entire company, getting everyone to draft posts…
The case of the stolen smell
I recently saw James Blake tweet, “The brainwashing worked and now people think music is free.” Then, a couple of days later, I read this story: In the days of old Yedo, as Tokyo was once called, storytellers told wonderful tales. Many of the stories were about the wit and wisdom of Ooka Tadasuke. Ooka…
Essentials week: Bill Watterson, Picasso, and HN on self promotion
My next post from essentials week, a short collection of the best posts at this blog. Here’s an excerpt: Moreover, when self-promotion is done right, it never looks like self-promotion. The most obvious examples of self-promotion we see are also the often the ugliest ones; a link pasted here, spam there, and Twitter threads of…
Write it down for someone else
Whenever you can, however you can, stored and published in some digital and searchable format for posterity.