Expectations vs. support

Expectation: The prospect of the future; grounds upon which something excellent is expected to happen; prospect of anything good to come, esp. of property or rank. (Webster’s 1913)

Support: That which upholds, sustains, or keeps from falling, as a prop, a pillar, or a foundation of any kind. (Webster’s 1913)

While these two concepts don’t need to be related (although the grounding commonality is interesting!), capitalism and the pervasiveness of the future-oriented mindset has further bundled them together. In other words, other people are inclined to give you support when they have high expectations of you. 

Perhaps they have something to gain from you; you can help further their interests, or you’re making your idea very believable.

It’s really special when people can support you without giving you the pressure that comes with high expectations. Whether that’s the support of a friendship, family, or even supportive bosses and co-workers, it’s not something to take for granted. 

P.S., The problem with the expectation-support bundle is it’s an incredibly instrumental view of people. This is a particularly relevant and resonant theme in immigration parent archetypes like tiger moms; “I made all of these sacrifices for you, so I have high expectations which you have to meet.” This seems to be an incredibly effective way of destroying a person’s spirit.

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