Category: Life
The Case for Working Relaxed
I’ve long considered Pharrell Williams and Kanye West two sides of the same coin. Pharrell, the zenned out, laid back, happy-go-lucky, type of artist (reminiscent of Rick Rubin in how relaxed he is). Kanye is the polar opposite — manic, outspoken, angry, upset type of artist. Some might say that there would be no Kanye…
Rust builds quickly
Sharpen your tools every day My folks used to make me practice piano everyday. Three songs, six times each (and eventually ten) during regular season. Then, when I was rounding exam season, I’d practice each song five times perfectly. If I played even one wrong note incorrectly, or I messed up the tempo of it,…
Why Quantity Should be Your Priority
The Key to Higher Quality is Higher Quantity When Kobe was developing his jumper he’d spend his offseason making 2,000 shots a day. Not taking. Making. — Chad Ridgeway, Bleacher Report I was recently reminded of a simple general principle to operate by, especially for those of us in the early phases of mastery or…